神界原罪2获取暴君套装图文攻略 Tyant套装属性分享

教程攻略2023-07-01 02:04:01

1.The Hands of the Tyrant暴君手套

We found some armour called the Hands of the Tyrant - part of a full set, it seems. The armour has a strange aura to it, almost like it bears some sort of pestilence.

暴君的手套在 Braccus Rex’s Tower. 红叉处。

要到达这里最好先通过 Dark Cavern,从途中战斗过的骷髅兵上获得braccu的戒指,就是戴上会被诅咒的戒指,然后到达红圈处,与门前的石像鬼对话,出示戒指遍可以直接传送到红叉。


2.Tyrant’s Stride暴君护腿

We found some armour called Tyrant’s Stride - part of a full set, it seems. There’s something odd about the armour - it seems to emit a slowing aura.

裤子在 Ancient Passage, 在joy fort的城堡底下。找到Withermoore’s Soul Jar的地方。需要从正门进入城堡,向左走走到一个石台前,发现暗门,变来到了Ancient Passage。爬梯子上左边雕像,让wit到达15的角色和雕像交流就可以得到Tyrant’s Stride.

3.Tyrant’s Helm暴君头盔

We found some armour called Tyrant’s Helm - part of a full set, it seems. There’s something odd about the armour - it seems to have a demonic aura to it.

头盔在 Decrepit Ruins. 从传送点ruined castle可以很轻松地到达(救Gareth,seeker们的领袖的地方)。在传送点往南方走一点,从两个楼梯之间的铁门进入。里面的大门需要用bless,sourcer的技能接触大门机关的诅咒才能进入,并且需要所有队友都解除了项圈collar。建议块离岛的时候再来。进入后让吸收了原力,就是有原力点的角色和里面的圣柜沟通,便可以得到头盔

4.Tracks of the Tyrant暴君之靴

We found some armour called the Tracks of the Tyrant - part of a full set, it seems. There’s something odd about the armour - it seems to emit a crippling aura.

鞋子在海岸附近的一个ruined 的塔里。塔中充满着雷电与雾气,需要拉高视角才能看到,里面有两具蜥蜴不死族的尸体和一些箱子,鞋子在蜥蜴人身上。取得的方法有两种,一种是将人传送塔里,另一种是将尸体传出来,我在取的时候不知道是不是bug,如果两具尸体同时呆在塔外,红色蜥蜴人身上就没东西...可能是我搜尸体时不小心点了两次?我先将绿色蜥蜴人传送出来搜尸体,再把红色蜥蜴人传出来,绿色传进去,搜红色蜥蜴人尸体,再把一个人传送进入搜下箱子什么的,成功拿到所有东西。

5.Heart of the Tyrant暴君胸甲

We found some armour called Heart of the Tyrant - part of a full set, it seems. There’s something odd about the armour - it seems to emit a fiery aura.

胸甲在 Dark Cavern的宝物库里取得。搜刮宝物库里的箱子财宝就可以得到。

